Calculate cloud field properties from ASTER cloud masks on February 5
Posted on Do 06 August 2020 in cloud field properties • by Theresa Mieslinger
Calculate cloud field properties from ASTER images¶
In [1]:
%pylab inline
%matplotlib inline
import multiprocessing
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from skimage import measure
import typhon as ty
from utils import *
In [2]:'typhon'))
Get and open files¶
List of ASTER images on Feb 5
In [3]:
files0205 = ["",
Cloud sizes from single ASTER image¶
In [4]:
url = f"{files0205[5]}"
store =
ds = xr.open_dataset(store)
extract cloud mask¶
In [5]:
Convert the 4 flags to a binary cloud mask¶
In [6]:
cloudmask = np.zeros_like(ds.cloudmask)
## only trust "confidently cloudy" labels
#clmask[ds.cloudmask==5] = 1
## cloudy = "confidently cloudy" and "probably cloudy"
cloudmask[np.logical_or(ds.cloudmask==4, ds.cloudmask==5)] = 1
In [7]:
# quicklook
plt.imshow(cloudmask, cmap="Greys_r")
filter cloud mask¶
single pixel "clouds" rather reflect instrument noise and shall be excluded from an statistical analysis
In [8]:
# filtering takes quite a long time
cloudmask_filtered = filter_cloudmask(cloudmask, threshold=4, connectivity=2)
print(f"cloud fraction of clouds > 4 pixel: {cloudfraction(cloudmask_filtered)}")
In [9]:
# cloud labeling based on 8-connectivity
labels = measure.label(cloudmask_filtered, connectivity=2)
props = measure.regionprops(labels)
# extract cloud equivalent diameters and convert the unit to km.
eqd = np.array([p.equivalent_diameter for p in props]) * 15 / 1000
print(f"There are {len(eqd)} clouds detected")
Cloud top height¶
In [18]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(20, 7))
In [34]:
# artificially replicate CTH estimates as they are derived from 90m resolution TIR bands
cth = np.repeat(np.repeat(, 6, axis=0), 6, axis=1)
In [36]:
cth_means = [np.nanmean(cth[labels==l]) for l in range(1, labels.max() + 1)]
Cluster index Iorg¶
In [43]:
iorg = iorg(cloudmask=cloudmask_filtered, connectivity=2)
Cloud field properties on Feb 5¶
pre-calculate cloud field properties for the images recorded on February 5 and save them to netCDF files.
In [4]:
def get_cloudstatistics(asterfile):
print(f"processing file {asterfile}...")
url = f"{asterfile}"
store =
ds = xr.open_dataset(store)
cloudmask = np.zeros_like(ds.cloudmask)
cloudmask[ds.cloudmask==5] = 1
#cloudmask[np.logical_or(ds.cloudmask==4, ds.cloudmask==5)] = 1
cloudmask_filtered = filter_cloudmask(cloudmask, threshold=4, connectivity=2)
# cloud fraction
fraction = cloudfraction(cloudmask_filtered)
# cloud sizes
labels = measure.label(cloudmask_filtered, connectivity=2)
props = measure.regionprops(labels)
# extract cloud equivalent diameters and convert the unit to km.
eqd = np.array([p.equivalent_diameter for p in props]) * 15 / 1000
# average cloud top height per cloud
cth = np.repeat(np.repeat(, 6, axis=0), 6, axis=1)
cth_means = [np.nanmean(cth[labels==l]) for l in range(1, labels.max() + 1)]
# cluster index iorg
clustering = iorg(cloudmask=cloudmask_filtered, connectivity=2)
return fraction, eqd, cth_means, clustering
In [28]:
with multiprocessing.Pool(4) as p:
stats =, files0205)
In [30]:
cf, sizes, cth, clustering = zip(*stats)
Write cloud statistics to netCDF per image¶
In [32]:
for i, file in enumerate(files0205):
ds = xr.Dataset(
coords={"cloud_id": np.arange(sizes[i].size)},
"cloudfraction": cf[i],
"cloudsizes": (("cloud_id",), sizes[i]),
"cloudtopheight": (("cloud_id",), cth[i]),
"Iorg": clustering[i],
ds.attrs = {"datetime": file[22:-3]}
Test opening one file¶
In [97]:
test = xr.open_dataset(f"cloudstatistics_{files0205[5]}")