Calculate cloud field properties from ASTER cloud masks on February 5

Posted on Do 06 August 2020 in cloud field properties • by Theresa Mieslinger • Tagged with code, ASTER, DAY-0205

The script shows how to process ASTER image data, calculate cloud field properties, such as cloud fraction, cloud top height, cloud sizes, and cloud clustering (Iorg) and save the information to netCDF files for each image.

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Plot cloud field properties derived from ASTER imgages on February 5

Posted on Do 06 August 2020 in cloud field properties • by Theresa Mieslinger • Tagged with code, ASTER, DAY-0205

Read pre-processed netCDF files containing cloud field properties from ASTER images and plot those. Most interesting are the cloud size distribution and a 2d histogram showing the positive correlation between cloud sizes and their average cloud top heights.

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